How Hard Could It Be? 


Paul McCartney-Another Day

You hear Paul McCartney singing in your head. In fact today is not like any other. You typically don’t get up before 8:30 a.m. but your man’s alarm went off at 7:50 a.m. and unfortunately at 8:10 a.m Jerry told him through the door, they need to leave soon. Go figure but it is Thursday after all.  You were interrupted laying on his chest hearing his heart beat. What can you do? You can’t get anything done by doing nothing. You don’t get ready til twenty after babe leaves. You wash your face with Peter Lamas Naturals Detoxifying Citrus C Facial Cleanser, wipe away any make up left, apply Nourish Organic™ renewing eye cream with Avocado+Argan, and then juice Beauty, vaseline for lips, D-O, and Curious Perfume. You talk to your brother about the girl he thinks he loves and how he want to apply for the Police Academy. By the time you get off the phone and are finished getting ready the suddenlink guy is in the back now doing his job. Somebody is already about 10 drinks before 9a.m She already made up mind earlier 3 drinks in that she didn’t want us to go our toes done and explained the calls she had to make. Even if she did change her mind with her you would not find it safe to ride on the passenger side.  You and Ryan got a message fron Lia in a three way  message from facebook messenger saying about Lin’s 13th birthday party at the Urban Air in Round Rock from 7p.m-9p.m. You want to see Lin even if it were just for a little while and hope Ryan is feeling up to it. If not I would even go alone if all just to her big smile. Ryan has pick you up to head back to work at Amy’s house on Edison Dr. so he can work and you can be out of there.  You would like to stay to talk to Amy about this morning but Kate, Roy and Mae will be there at 1p.m. You wanted to say:  ” Hey girl, what are you doing? You know damn well it is to early to be drinking if you want to go and really ease your mind this can be your last drink and I’ll drive. Get ready let’s go” but who I am I? Who am I to say anything? Why it so hard to say  and do what you have got to do when your seeing their soul die their spirit fade. Their youth gone. Relationships breaking and new ones not starting. That’s why I wrote Get to You. . The question isn’t what should I do because you damn well what needs to be done how you can  speak up and show how you and keep trying and trying and saying what you feel will get to that person asking them questions and pressing buttons til they break. So they break down and maybe break the habit. Break all the bullshit in their head away.  Can you make the madness stop?  You ask yourself and think no question about it. It maybe invasive or aggressive in tone but what can I say Ima pusher like the teacher from Means Girls  (I LOVE THAT MOVIE I CAN WATCH IT OVER AND OVER! & it’s perfect for Halloween and Christmas;)  You know you have to simplify the message you are trying to get across and word it more… Delicately especially with somebody who has panic attacks and anxiety. *shrug* damn. Well for now you need to think about what types of cookies and maaaaaybeee candy you wanna make and sell. So where should you start? Marketing. Ye. Blahlala. You don’t care what kind you just wanna do it. Website? Water? Yes yes it’s so hot out here! You need a better plan and go see grampa. He’s only staying til Sunday. You wanna take pictures to have something to look back on.  The good happy times. 

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